Journal Entry Timeline – Typical Example

Step Sample Date JE Steps (PP 9/24/2021 – 10/7/2021)
1 n/a Smart HR Transaction Initiated/Approved/Processed By Department and Payroll
2 10/14/2021 Journal Entry Calculations Begin Based on Fully Approved/Processed Funding Changes (Pay Confirm Thursday)
3 10/20/2021 Actuals Loaded to KFS – Used To Verify JE Calculations (USUALLY by Wednesday of pay week but can vary)
4 Prior to 10/28/2021 Once Calculations Completed, Send Applicable Entries to SPS/Budget For Approval If Necessary
5 10/28/2021 Finalize Any Outstanding JE Calculations
6 10/28/2021 KFS Upload File Created For Approved Transactions
7 10/28/2021 File Approved By Payroll Supervisor, Accounting Manager and Associate Controller as Needed
8 10/28/2021 Approved File Loaded to KFS
9 10/29/2021 Entries Appear for Departments