Smart HR Deadline | Pay Period Dates | Check Date | Pay Confirm | Notes |
01/06/2023 | 12/30/2022-01/12/2023 | 01/27/2023 | 01/19/2023 | |
01/20/2023 | 01/13/2023-01/26/2023 | 02/10/2023 | 02/02/2023 | |
02/03/2023 | 01/27/2023-02/09/2023 | 02/24/2023 | 02/16/2023 | |
02/17/2023 | 02/10/2023-02/23/2023 | 03/10/2023 | 03/02/2023 | |
03/03/2023 | 02/24/2023-03/09/2023 | 03/24/2023 | 03/16/2023 | |
03/17/2023 | 03/10/2023-03/23/2023 | 04/06/2023 | 03/30/2023 | Check date changed to accommodate the holiday |
03/31/2023 | 03/24/2023-04/06/2023 | 04/21/2023 | 04/13/2023 | |
04/14/2023 | 04/07/2023-04/20/2023 | 05/05/2023 | 04/27/2023 | |
04/28/2023 | 04/21/2023-05/04/2023 | 05/19/2023 | 05/11/2023 | |
05/12/2023 | 05/05/2023-05/18/2023 | 06/02/2023 | 05/25/2023 | |
05/26/2023 | 05/19/2023-06/01/2023 | 06/16/2023 | 06/08/2023 | |
06/09/2023 | 06/02/2023-06/15/2023 | 06/30/2023 | 06/22/2023 | |
06/23/2023 | 06/16/2023-06/29/2023 | 07/14/2023 | 07/06/2023 | |
07/07/2023 | 06/30/2023-07/13/2023 | 07/28/2023 | 07/20/2023 | |
07/21/2023 | 07/14/2023-07/27/2023 | 08/11/2023 | 08/03/2023 | |
08/04/2023 | 07/28/2023-08/10/2023 | 08/25/2023 | 08/17/2023 | |
08/18/2023 | 08/11/2023-08/24/2023 | 09/08/2023 | 08/31/2023 | |
09/01/2023 | 08/25/2023-09/07/2023 | 09/22/2023 | 09/14/2023 | |
09/15/2023 | 09/08/2023-09/21/2023 | 10/06/2023 | 09/28/2023 | |
09/29/2023 | 09/22/2023-10/05/2023 | 10/20/2023 | 10/12/2023 | |
10/13/2023 | 10/06/2023-10/19/2023 | 11/03/2023 | 10/26/2023 | |
10/27/2023 | 10/20/2023-11/02/2023 | 11/17/2023 | 11/09/2023 | Payconfirm subject to change to accommodate the holiday |
11/08/2023 | 11/03/2023-11/16/2023 | 12/01/2023 | 11/23/2023 | Deadline changed and payconfirm subject to change to accommodate the holiday |
11/24/2023 | 11/17/2023-11/30/2023 | 12/15/2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
12/08/2023 | 12/01/2023-12/14/2023 | 12/29/2023 | 12/21/2023 | |
12/22/2023 | 12/15/2023-12/28/2023 | 01/12/2024 | 01/04/2024 |
1 Dates changed to accommodate a holiday