Your W-2

Box Title Description
1 Wages, Tips and Other Compensation Your reportable income for federal income tax purposes. This figure is calculated by subtracting your total before-tax deductions from your total gross earnings. Some examples of before-tax deductions are:

Medical and Dental Insurance
Retirement Contributions
Retirement Health Fund
403(b) and 457 plans

Please see your final check stub from December for year-end deduction totals.

3 Social Security Wages Your wages (up to $168,600) that are subject to Social Security tax. This figure represents your total gross earnings:

 Less deductions such as health insurance, dental insurance, and the retirement health fund.
 Less student labor, work-study, and graduate payroll payments earned during the academic year.
+ Plus the 1% contribution UConn pays for AAUP employees who have State retirement plans.

5 Medicare Wages and Tips Your wages that are subject to Medicare tax. This figure represents your total gross earnings:

 Less deductions such as health insurance, dental insurance, and the retirement health fund.
 Less student labor, work-study, and graduate payroll payments earned during the academic year.
+ Plus the 1% contribution UConn pays for AAUP employees who have State retirement plans.

10 Dependent Care Benefits The amount deducted for the Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP).
12 CODE BB Your contributions to a Roth 403(b) plan (tax sheltered annuity).
12 CODE DD The aggregate employee and employer cost of your medical and prescription benefits (not including dental insurance).
12 CODE E Your contributions to a 403(b) plan (tax sheltered annuity).
12 CODE EE Your contributions to a Roth 457 plan (deferred compensation).
12 CODE G Your contributions to a 457 plan (deferred compensation).
14 CODE 414H Contributions to your retirement plan.
CODE CTPL Contributions to the CT Paid Leave program