Box | Title | Description |
1 | Wages, Tips and Other Compensation | Your reportable income for federal income tax purposes. This figure is calculated by subtracting your total before-tax deductions from your total gross earnings. Some examples of before-tax deductions are:
–Medical and Dental Insurance Please see your final check stub from December for year-end deduction totals. |
3 | Social Security Wages | Your wages (up to $168,600) that are subject to Social Security tax. This figure represents your total gross earnings:
– Less deductions such as health insurance, dental insurance, and the retirement health fund. |
5 | Medicare Wages and Tips | Your wages that are subject to Medicare tax. This figure represents your total gross earnings:
– Less deductions such as health insurance, dental insurance, and the retirement health fund. |
10 | Dependent Care Benefits | The amount deducted for the Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP). |
12 | CODE BB | Your contributions to a Roth 403(b) plan (tax sheltered annuity). |
12 | CODE DD | The aggregate employee and employer cost of your medical and prescription benefits (not including dental insurance). |
12 | CODE E | Your contributions to a 403(b) plan (tax sheltered annuity). |
12 | CODE EE | Your contributions to a Roth 457 plan (deferred compensation). |
12 | CODE G | Your contributions to a 457 plan (deferred compensation). |
14 | CODE 414H | Contributions to your retirement plan. |
CODE CTPL | Contributions to the CT Paid Leave program |